Tuesday 7 April 2009

“The omens are not favorable to your quest"

Don't worry dear reader, tonight's blog title is actually an extract from a new book by a friend of mine, Andrew Richardson - check it out at http://www.eternalpress.ca/thewood.html .

So, here we are on Tuesday evening and I've stormed up the polls to a massive 21 votes (checking my handy swingometer - oooh er missus - thats a 23% gain in 24 hours - I'd like to see Brown or Cameron match that!) which puts me in overall 5th place out of the 9 prospective candidates in the SW region.

So today's campaign news - I was featured on Daniel1979's blog http://daniel1979blog.blogspot.com/ , where my answers to his standard survey on attitudes to the EU were reported. I really do recommend his blog, and the post on the cabinet's voting record on matters of transparency provides excellent food for thought. Eagle-eyed readers may notice that I used the survey to subliminally assert my independence by answering YES/NO rather than TRUE/FALSE - yeah! politics really is the new rock and roll!! (Note to self: read the bloody instructions before filling in answers! Will I never learn? I did the same in my 'O' level maths, all those years ago. I would like to advance the excuse that it was late and I was tired from a hard day's campaigning)

So lets see what Wednesday brings.....

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